Sheet for Vacuum Forming Machine - BioArt
Sheets for Vacuum Forming Machine
- Bio-Art has a wide variety of sheets for Vacuum Plasticizers for various appliances.
- All sheets come in vacuumized packaging
Product Description
Bio-Art Vacuum Forming Sheets have been specially developed for use by dental professionals with the objective of enabling the production of trays for all kinds of applications (fluoridation, bracket fixation, plate for bruxism, surgical guide, matrix for temporary prosthetic teeth, etc.).
The sheets are produced with polymer of different compositions, shapes, colors and thicknesses.
During the process of plasticizing (vacuum forming), the sheets are heated in an equipment called vacuum forming machine to achieve the ideal point of plasticizing. Then they are formed on the plaster models of the dental arches through vacuum generated by the device, thus producing the tray(s).
Bio-Art has a wide variety of sheets for Vacuum Plasticizers. Different thickness of sheets can be apply for :
- Hard Crystal Sheet of 0.3mm - Tray for fluridation, fixing bracket, study models packing
- Hard Crystal Sheet of 0.75 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 3.0mm - Tray for bruxism, Space retainer, braces, individual tray, baseplate for bite plan, surgical guide.
- Soft Plate Sheet of 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0mm - Tray for home whitening, fluoridation, Mio-relaxing tray
Brand : Bio-Art
Product Variety:
- Hard crystal 0.3 mm, square 126 mm (10 units) - (Sku: BA-APL0387)
- Hard crystal 0.75 mm, square 126 mm (5 units) - (Sku: BA-APL0539)
- Hard crystal 1.0 mm, square 126 mm (5 units) - (Sku: BA-APL0389)
- Hard crystal 1.5 mm, square 126 mm (5 units) - (Sku: BA-APL0391)
- Hard crystal 2.0 mm, square 126 mm (5 units) - (Sku: BA-APL0393)
- Hard crystal 3.0 mm, square 126 mm (5 units) - (Sku: BA-APL0571)
- Soft Bicolor Mix 3.0 mm, square 126 mm (5 units)-(SKU:BA-APLP0751)
- Soft Opaque 1.0 mm, square 126 mm (10 units)-(SKU:BA-APLP0395)
- Soft Opaque 2.0 mm, square 126 mm (10 units)-(SKU:BA-APLP0397)
- Soft Plate Mix 3.0 mm , square 126 mm (5 units)-(SKU:BA-APLP0474
Made in Brazil
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